VOLO Software Development Outsourcing Company's Blog

8 Ways Software Consultancy Services Can Enhance Business Growth

21 Sep 2024

Software Consultant
As technology grows more complex and the need for professionals arises, a software consultant is vital for a software development plan. 

However, navigating this complex terrain requires more than just technical expertise—it demands strategic guidance and insights from seasoned professionals.

This is where software consultancy services come into play. By partnering with experienced consultants, you can tap into a wealth of specialized knowledge and industry experience to unlock a multitude of benefits for your enterprise.

What is a Software Consultant?

Just like talent acquisition finds the right people, software consultants find the appropriate tech to utilize for your projects. They provide guidance on software development, implementation, optimization, and maintenance. 

Software consultants are usually developers themselves who put aside time to offer their software consulting services. They offer their expertise in various programming languages, frameworks, and technologies to assist clients in making informed decisions about their software projects. From best business practices to pointing out potential risks, they use their years of experience to ensure a smoother software development cycle. 

Their role is not always limited to just software either. Business needs are often ignored when looking into software development, leading to well-developed software that does not meet user needs.

Benefits of Software Development Consulting

Greater Knowledge of Technology

There are many common myths surrounding certain technologies. From Python not being scalable to cross-platform applications being mediocre at best, there are numerous articles perpetuating myths that can skew your perception of viable use cases. 

If tech stacks were clear-cut, there would be no need for tech consultants. There are many nuances to consider when weighing options. Just because one language or toolkit is specialized for a task does not mean it is always the best choice. Issues regarding available resources, cost, compatibility, and deadlines can completely change the structure of your software. 

You can get a deeper understanding of how technology stacks are planned when working with a software development consulting company. 

Understanding the Market

A good business software consultant possesses technical expertise, while an exceptional one comprehends the dynamic market. 

With rapid advances in technology, the market is more volatile than ever and your software consulting company has to anticipate the agility needed in your solution to meet future trends.

Their insights into the volatility in the market will not only influence your choice in technology but your business outlook too. 

Get out of Technical Debt

You may not realize just how much your legacy software is costing you. Some experts believe technical debt has risen to over $1.5 trillion. Technical debt refers to the costs associated with the risks, setbacks, and hidden costs of continuing to use old technology. 

You may think some of the old software you retain is holding up just fine but your software consultant partner can let you know if business as usual is greatly holding your business back. 

Identifying critical aspects of your software to update is just what your software consultant should be doing. 

Software Consultant

Improve User Satisfaction

Many software consultant companies have years of development experience. With their insights, they can provide guidance in what kind of technologies would best meet customer needs. 

Customers care about page responsiveness, user interface, and features present. With the right technology stack and guidance, your software will keep users happy. 

Maximize Your ROI

You don’t want your business to fall behind. According to Accenture’s 2021 research on enterprise technologies, the top 10% percentile of new technology adapters saw 5x times the growth of the bottom 25% of laggards who took longer to adopt. 

That means that those who are embracing new technologies are getting a much higher share of the market than laggards. 

Discussing what technologies to adopt with a business software consultant is one of the first steps you can take to maximize your Return on Investment from your software. 

Read more about maximizing your ROI with software consultant services here.

Scale Your Software

Your business is not static, so why imagine that your software would be too?

An expert software consultant will not only be able to provide a tech scope for your current business but one that changes with demand. It is easy to come up with a short-sighted solution for an MVP but planning fully-fledged software that can adapt to future needs takes work. 

Reduce the Risk of Failure

According to McKinsey’s study, there are no shortcuts to a successful digital transformation. One of the biggest indicators of a successful transformation is how many actions are taken during the planning process. 

One of the pivotal actions taken is getting outside software development consulting services. With more guidance, your company will have the chance to assess second opinions and incorporate business software consultants into the decision-making process. 

By diversifying ideas and knowledge in the planning phase, your company will minimize the risk of failure. Including an outside business software consultant will help identify blind spots, mitigate risks, and offer their expertise and insight into strategy.

Minimize Your Biases

Your in-house tech team may have a limited skill set when it comes to finding solutions. A large team of experts from a large software outsourcing company can provide a diverse range of specialized skills and perspectives, offering innovative solutions to complex challenges that may exceed the capabilities of your in-house team.

Parting Thoughts

Utilizing a software development consulting service is one of the most cost-effective ways to determine the optimal direction for your new software project’s tech stack. In an increasingly digitized world, the technology you integrate into your business carries more weight on your journey to success, regardless of your industry.

Software Consultant Services

You will be able to see greater returns on investment, happier users, and more stable workflow when you take the time to dive deep into your software tech choices with a business software consultant.

Updating or modifying your tech stack represents one of the most pivotal decisions for your company. Ensure you have an impartial software consultant providing the necessary insights to make well-informed decisions.

More helpful resources:
Does My Enterprise Need Digital Transformation? 
   How to Streamline the Process of Migration to the Cloud? 
   Do Legacy Systems Block Your Business Growth? 
   Microsoft Azure vs. AWS vs. Google Cloud: Which One to Choose?
   7 Strategies for Modernizing Your Business Apps
   - Maximizing ROI: How IT Advisory Services Drive Business Growth

Shant Abramyan

Digital Marketing Specialist

Specializing in Digital Transformation, Market Trends, and Emerging Technologies.

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