VOLO's case studies on software development

The Challenge

Modern IT systems highly contribute to the development of healthcare by introducing innovative solutions that help make people’s lives more convenient. Yet, the process of patients getting ahold of their prescription medication is quite a hassle to this day. Our client saw an opportunity here to completely revamp dispensing processes.

Prescription filling usually consists of several stages: input and initial check during which the pharmacy gathers the required patient data; therapeutic check to see if the prescription is right for the patient; preparation which involves choosing the right medicine and applying the necessary packaging and labels; technical check for prescription filling accuracy; and, lastly, supplying the medicine to the patient and providing quick counseling (in case of a refill, an assessment to check the efficiency of the drug).

As such, prescription filling can become quite an ordeal, especially for patients with serious issues preventing them from being physically active. Not to mention the post-COVID hurdles that make long commutes unsafe for patients with prior conditions.

Based on all of this, Kydeca Inc. decided to take on the responsibility of creating a user-friendly, multi-functional application that would help patients handle the tedious process of prescription filling by making it faster and easier. Thus, the idea of ZipScripts was born.

The concept behind ZipScripts was to simplify the way prescriptions are stored and delivered. The company wanted to create a solution which would allow patients to send their prescriptions to their preferred pharmacy in advance, hence allowing the pharmacists to get a head start on the filling process, and pick up their medication immediately after getting to the pharmacy, bypassing the waiting time and complying more effectively with post-COVID regulations.


The Solution


Our team took on the challenge of bringing this human-centered idea to life and ended up building the entire application in a mere 3 months. The ZipScripts app is simple to use with a user-friendly and responsive interface to ensure a seamless experience. It is both iOS- and Android-compatible and enables patients to receive their medication with just a few quick steps:

  • Taking a picture of the prescription within the app
  • Sending the picture to the pharmacy of their choice
  • Picking up their medication on arrival

In case of any questions, the pharmacist can contact patients via in-app messaging, text or a call - easy as that.

VOLO provided Kydeca with the following scope of services:

The scope of services provided by VOLO for Visual Abstract includes the following:

  • Logo Design & Branding
  • Landing Page Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Quality Assurance

Key Benefits

  • Ability to choose the nearest open pharmacy, thus saving time and effort
  • Compliance with HIA and HIPAA regulations for the highest safety and security of patient data
  • Secure prescription history visible only to patients and their pharmacists
  • Support of multiple payment systems
  • Edge detection
  • Fax support
  • Social sign-up integration (Facebook, Google, Apple)


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