VOLO Software Development Outsourcing Company's Blog

The Essential Guide to Choosing the Right IT Consulting Services

14 Jun 2024

IT Consultancy

Innovative technologies are one of the means of driving businesses forward in our days. It’s now common knowledge that IT solutions help improve efficiency, deliver better user experience, and stay competitive in today’s complex market. Your main task is to navigate your digital transformation journey wisely in order to avoid wasting resources or ending up with failed projects. 

This task, however, can be quite challenging since it is going to have a huge impact on your company’s success. There are a large number of IT consulting companies out there which make the selection process quite overwhelming. Whether you’re looking to build and implement new software solutions, modernize legacy ones, enhance and optimize your IT infrastructure, or develop a solid digital transformation strategy, choosing the right consulting partner, one that aligns with your company needs and goals is of utmost importance. 

To help you make smart business decisions technology-wise, we will guide you through the main factors that you need to consider when surfing the net for an IT consultancy company. Let’s dive right in. 

What Types of Consulting Services are There?

The first important thing you should determine is the specific type of IT consulting service that you need. There are multiple different software consultancy services and you should choose the one that best fits your needs and fills the IT gaps that you have in your company. Let’s now look at the main types of consultancy services: 

1. Software Development Consulting

Custom software development consulting services take care of your needs at every stage of the software development lifecycle. They incorporate business analysis consulting and training, tech stack and infrastructure consulting, UI/UX design consulting, software development security consulting, project management and QA consulting, IT infrastructure consulting, and cloud consulting. 

Thus, we can say that software development consulting is an umbrella term that involves pretty much all the consulting services that your company may need when it comes to innovation and digital transformation. If you are just starting your digitization process or have IT infrastructure that needs a full makeover, or are looking to build a new software solution, you should consider looking for full-on software development consulting services. 

A company that provides high-quality software development consultancy services would usually follow the commonly accepted practice that includes these 4 major steps: 

   - Discovery and needs assessment 
- Analysis of your workflows and processes
- Strategy development and implementation
- Continuous support

Every company has their approach to this but at their core, software consulting services are focused on these steps. 

2. Digital Transformation

Digital transformation services offer a more global approach at your IT infrastructure. When you are not sure where to start your business’ digitalization journey, that is when digital transformation services come into play. The right tech company will help you understand the type of IT investment that you need to make and where you should focus your tech budget in order to harness the power of innovation in the most optimal way. 

Whether it is enterprise software development, mobile app development, IoT and AI/ML integration, legacy app modernization, cloud migration, technical debt resolution, or IT infrastructure management, your software partner will deliver the digital transformation approach that best fits your business goals. 

The approximate roadmap to successful digital transformation looks like this: 

   - Readiness assessment 
- Product discovery
- Project onboarding and development approach setup
- Iteration cycle which includes requirement analysis, UI/UX design, development, testing, deployment, support, and maintenance
- Release
- Ongoing support 

Digital transformation services go beyond consulting, covering all your software development needs completely. 

3. Business Analysis Consulting

You need business analysis consulting (BA consulting) so as not to dive head-first into software development, without a clear-cut plan of action. A qualified BA consultant will help you understand your vision and create a feasible and durable roadmap, thus setting you up for success. 

Here is what a business analyst does for businesses of different size and scale, across various industries: 

   - Elicitation of requirements
- Scope definition
- Creation of wireframes and prototypes
- Development cycle estimates and roadmaps

Business analysts will carefully assess your current project state or the IT infrastructure state overall, and help you define business objectives and project requirements and scope, documenting everything and providing support throughout the development process. They will also evaluate the progress you make against the initially set business goals, delivering a fully documented knowledge base that includes all the details, from business strategy to risk assessment, user guides and instructions. 

On this note, it’s worth mentioning that BA specialists can help you detect risks such as scope creep or vague requirements, and build a robust risk mitigation strategy to reduce the negative consequences of these risks. 

4. Project Management Consulting

Never hurts getting expert guidance from experienced project managers on how to refine your existing software project processes. They can also assist you with risk management and project audit that will essentially streamline your processes, helping you achieve clarity and transparency in your software development lifecycle. 

The right project management consulting services (PM consulting) will assist you with process setup and optimization, establishing better workflows, enhancing your current processes, and installing the needed programs (e.g., JIRA, Azure, etc.) with all the right configurations in place. 

PM consultants can also do a thorough audit of your existing or completed projects, delivering insights into how you can boost performance and alleviate risks. This will be done by reviewing your project documentation, timelines, and stakeholder feedback, which will all be later turned into a detailed analysis. 

PM consulting services deliverables are usually as follows: 

   - PM documentation, including templates, standards, and policies

   - PM instruments, such as the recommended PM software and techniques

   - Customized dashboard with metrics to help track progress and eliminate risks

   - Employee training and knowledge sharing

   - Process and tools setup and optimization of current processes

   - Ongoing support for a predefined period of time

The deliverables may vary from company to company, but they should cover all your needs and expectations. Make sure to communicate the latter clearly to your software partner in order to make the most of PM consulting services.

5. Quality Assurance Consulting 

Quality assurance consulting (QA consulting) can help you build products that are reliable and functional without errors and bugs that scare users away.

QA consultants, in collaboration with your team, carry out a detailed analysis of your current documentation and methodologies to help you address existing issues in your testing processes. You get a comprehensive guide with actionable insights and recommendations on how to improve your testing approach. 

There are companies that also offer QA trainings that contribute to the growth and skill enhancement of your in-house QA team. 

6. Cloud Consulting

Cloud consultants help assess your organization for cloud readiness before your cloud transformation endeavors. This helps ensure a smooth transition and naturally amplifies the benefits of cloud migration. 

With the right cloud consulting services, you receive a detailed cloud strategy that is built upon the comprehensive analysis of your IT infrastructure and your business’ motivations to migrate to the cloud. Cloud consultancy should lay the foundations for your future cloud implementation process. Keep in mind that successful cloud migration comes with such outcomes as improved agility, better user experience, wider geographic reach, as well as optimized/reduced costs and automated processes with minimum human error. 

IT Consultancy

How to Choose the Best Software Consulting Company? 

Now that you know the types of consulting services available, we can move on to our main subject matter, i.e., learning how to select the right IT consulting company for your business. There is an abundance of options out there so you need to be scrupulous in your research in order to avoid making a mistake. Otherwise you risk not only your time and finances but also your company reputation. If you end up with a failed project or software that doesn’t meet the expectations of your users, it’s going to be quite the challenge to earn back their trust. 

On the other hand, the right IT consultant can come up with an impartial assessment of the current condition of your software projects and help you create a strategic roadmap to achieve your short- and long-term goals. 

So, let’s look at the main steps that you should take when choosing an IT consulting company: 

1. Understand Your Business Needs and Set the Right Goals

Carry out a detailed analysis of your business requirements and identify the specific needs of your business. What results do you want to achieve? What are the areas of your business that need digital transformation? Do you need ongoing IT support or targeted consultancy for specific projects? Once you have the answers to these questions, choosing an IT consultancy firm will be much easier. 

2. Assess the Experience of Shortlisted IT Consulting Companies

As you do your research for software development consulting services, shortlist the ones that catch your eye and start studying them thoroughly. Check their experience and expertise and make sure they have a proven track record of delivering successful technology solutions, preferably in your industry as well. 

Examine their case studies and portfolio, and review the client testimonials to ensure that they are genuine and reliable. 

3. Choose a Partner Who Will Be a Cultural Fit 

A software consulting partner should offer you more than their technical expertise. You should also consider if they are the right cultural fit for your business. Your collaboration will be successful if you share the same or similar values, work style, and communication methods. 

During the initial meetings you can already feel if there is alignment between you and the IT consulting firm you are considering to partner with. To help you understand whether or not they’d make a good partner, ask them about their approach to decision-making, solving conflicts, and fostering lasting partnerships.

4. Assess Their Offerings for Flexibility and Scalability

The world of technology is fast-evolving and can become unpredictable at times. This is why you need an IT consulting partner who offers flexible and scalable services that can adapt to the changing needs of your organization. 

Make sure to choose a partner that can easily scale up or down based on the requirements of your projects. This way you won’t be paying for unnecessary services or ending up in a situation where your business is growing but you lack the needed IT support. 

It’s always a good idea to shortlist companies who work with Agile methodology. The latter is already a good sign that your future partner is open to scaling services and adapting to your needs and demands. 

5. Review the Pricing Models and Contracts

Look through the various pricing models offered by IT consultancy companies to understand the differences and choose the most cost-effective option among the highest quality service offerings. 

Choose a pricing model that aligns with your current budget and software project requirements. Don’t forget to review the contract terms - it’s important to be familiar with the clauses of your collaboration contract to know the termination conditions and the overall scope of services provided. 

We recommend having open discussions about pricing and contracts right from the start to save time and avoid misunderstandings in the future. 

6. Choose a Company with a Wider Scope of Services

As we discussed before, there are many different aspects to IT consulting. Considering the rate at which software technologies are developing and changing, you cannot predict what services your business may need a few months or years from now. So, choose a consulting company that offers an array of IT services. 

This will secure you for the future if your business needs further IT support, you will have a reliable partner to turn to, without having to look for a new company. A single, trustworthy IT consulting company should be able to cover all your technology needs. 

Other factors to consider: 

   - Communication: Any successful partnership should be built upon mutual understanding and good communication. Your IT consulting partner should be open to communication and be willing to listen to you and understand your business objectives. In turn, you need to communicate your needs and expectations clearly, too. Ensure to determine the communication channels that you will use throughout your partnership for quick messaging, emails, calls, etc. 

   - Customized Solutions: Choose a company that offers an individual approach to their clients  instead of a one-size-fits-all strategy. 

   - Support and Training: Ongoing support and knowledge sharing are an essential part of IT consulting services. Make sure your partner provides that properly. 

   - Security and Compliance: Keep in mind to check with your consulting firm whether or not they have all the needed security measures in place. Ensure they understand the regulatory requirements of your industry.

What are the Benefits of IT Consulting Services? 

The right software consultants can bring a wealth of specialized knowledge and experience that will easily unlock multiple benefits for your organization. Here is what you can expect to get from IT consulting services: 

   - Understanding technology stacks better and determining the right one for your business, taking into account your resources, project specifications, cost, compatibility, and of course, timelines. 

   - Getting deeper insights into the current market demands and being able to plan your software initiatives accordingly. 

   - Releasing your organization from technical debt and updating that legacy software that’s been sitting there for a little too long. 

   - Receiving advice on how to refine your software solutions to achieve enhanced responsiveness, better user interface, updated features, and finally, improved user experience. 

   - Efficient workflows and long-term strategic planning combined with more in-depth data that helps you track and analyze your approaches and customer behavior. 

   - Minimizing the failure risk of your software project by receiving a fresh outlook from expert IT consultants to detect the gaps in your IT infrastructure, mitigate risks, and improve your business’ operational efficiency. 

Software Consultant Services

Parting Thoughts 

By now it should be clear that overlooking the importance of software consulting services is not the smartest business decision you could make in modern times. Technology is indeed overwhelming but you don’t have to know where to start and how to incorporate innovation into your organization. All you need is to clearly communicate your needs and expectations in terms of technology to your software partner - what is it that you want to improve with software solutions within your organization? The right IT consulting partner will chart the rest of the course for you. 

If you are still filled with skepticism toward IT consulting services and are not sure whether your business needs a software consultant or not, our team is here to help you navigate the process with confidence and patience. We will look into your case and guide you through your digital transformation. 

More helpful resources:
Does My Enterprise Need Digital Transformation? 
   - How to Choose Between Hiring a Software Development Team or Consultants? 
   Do Legacy Systems Block Your Business Growth? 
   7 Strategies for Modernizing Your Business Apps
   Maximizing ROI: How IT Advisory Services Drive Business Growth
   8 Ways Software Consultant Services Can Enhance Business Growth

Sona Dabaghyan

Content Writer

Sona, a content writer at VOLO, with a track record spanning over 5 years in the writing and editing industry, delivers high-quality, engaging, and informative content, including blog posts, guest posts, e-books, and case studies for the company. In addition to her writing skills, Sona also does translations from Armenian to English and vice versa.

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