VOLO's case studies on software development

The Challenge

When MTS, one of the world’s largest telecoms, decided to build its own mobile system, they didn’t just want a run-of-the-mill mobile payment platform. They were looking for something cutting-edge that would keep pace with the mobile trend forecasts of the coming years.

The Challenge MobiDram

The Solution

VOLO delivered a solution that was not only technically superior technically but also user experience-wise, all the while complying with all CBA regulations. The mobile payment system even included features that mobile trend forecasters had anticipated with only be market-ready in 2-3 years’ time.

Some of the system features included

  • A sophisticated backend architecture in compliance with the Central Bank of Armenia’s regulatory requirements
  • A wide geographic accessibility of its service
  • Stimulating merchant payments via e-wallet (standard online payments and mobile app to app payments)
  • Merchant and client mobile apps for iOS and Android
  • Platform Administration: sitemap and system configuration
  • Web services (WCF and RESTful)
  • Websites (for MobiDram administration and for the public users)
  • Desktop WPF application for MobiDram administration
  • Windows Services for notifications, automatic calculations, and account management

MTS decided to extend its partnership with Volo to continue to innovate by continuously adding more breakthrough features.

The Solution MobiDram

Mobile App

Starting from 2016, after 6 years of successful collaboration, our ties with MobiDram were strengthened as we started working with them on the development of a mobile app. Our team of mobile experts built an intuitive and user-friendly mobile application that offers a comprehensive set of features and functionalities: 

  • JustQR Payments: This allows users to make completely contactless payments. The service is supported by both iOS and Android. All it takes the user is to attach their bank card to the MobiDram account and confirm the transaction via a PIN code or fingerprint. 

  • Account Refill: Users can purchase a certain amount of electronic money and then deposit it on their account. The deposited money can be used to pay bills or transfer funds.

  • Transfers: The mobile app can be used to make money transfers from MobiDram to MobiDram, or to bank accounts, bank cards, or make loan repayments. 

  • Utility Payments: Users can make utility payments with just a couple of clicks from their phones using the MobiDram app. 

  • Budget Payments: The app allows its users to also pay Road Police fines, parking fees, land and property taxes, and more. 

  • Online Payments: Customers can use the MobiDram secure channel to make online payments for their purchases in online shops. No need to attach credit card information anymore. 

  • Online Games and Social Networks: The app even allows easy and quick payments for online games and social networks.

  • Bills: Using the MobiDram app, users can easily pay the bills at restaurants directly from their mobile phone, without having to use credit cards or cash. 

  • Messengers: Any payments related to such messengers as Skype or Viber can be made through the MobiDram mobile app.

  • International Mobile Operators: The app can be used to pay the mobile phone bills and is integrated with multiple international mobile operators, such MTS, ALTEL, Beeline, etc. 

Satellite TV: Users can conveniently pay for their satellite TV subscriptions and ensure uninterrupted access to their favorite entertainment channels.

Key Benefits

  • Customer identity verification
  • Fraud monitoring and detection
  • International wire transfers
  • One-click recurring payments
  • Real-time microloans
Key Benefits MobiDram

In Our Clients’ Words

They are quick to respond, proactive about solving problems, and they’re committed to our product.
Kim Avanesyan

Kim Avanesyan Mobidram CEO


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